We were on a trip these past three weeks, so I did not work any of the TAST stitches during that period. The working of this is on SharonB’s blog. I had worked this stitch during an earlier challenge with different threads. This time around. the stitches are all worked with perle cotton and cone threads[polyester].
Raised cup stitches are worked with other TAST stitches in this sampler. The sampler with other TAST stitches-



The sampler after working the raised cup stitches-

37.85.raised cup stitch sampler

37.85.raised cup stitch sampler

Raised cup stitches are worked with-feather stitch, stem and detached chain stitches, fly stitches and woven detached chain stitches.



Raised cup stitches worked on – three rows of herringbone stitches, buttonhole variation, Vandyke stitch, wrapped coral  and buttonhole wheel



These raised cup motifs are worked with- pistil stitches, Italian border stitch, buttonholed bullion and french knots.



A great stitch for decorative purposes, I like this stitch.